INPE in the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

Hello reader!

It follows one communicates published on the day (12/19) in the website of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) nothing that two INPE's researchers were elected new members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC).

Duda Falcão

INPE in the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

Monday, December 19, 2011

The climatologist José Antonio Marengo Orsini and the geophysicist Ícaro Vitorello, from the Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE), were elected to members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Academia Brasileira de Ciências - ABC) in the section of Earth Sciences, during the meeting held by the institution on Friday (12/16).

Ícaro Vitorello holds a Ph.D. in Geophysics and has worked as researcher at INPE since 1980. He has extensive experience in Geosciences with an emphasis in Electromagnetic Induction, on the following topics: research and applications of magnetotelluric and geomagnetic surveys methods, telluric and geomagnetic fields, tectonophysics and remote sensing.

Head of the Earth System Science Center at INPE, José Antonio Marengo Orsini holds a Ph.D. in Meteorology and works in research about global environmental change, participating in organizations like the IPCC. In the field of Geosciences his performance is dedicated to the topics: Amazon, climate and hydrology, climate change and climate modeling.


The election takes place from the nomination of candidates, which can only be made by Members of the ABC. All nominees are evaluated by their peers, that is, the Members of the section to which the candidate belongs. According to the ABC, a table with the grades received by each candidate is forwarded to the Selection Committee and the nominees that pass through this first phase have their names inscribed on the ballots, were there is the number of positions for each section. This ballot is sent to all ABC holders, who choose new members among the candidates listed.

Check out the list of new Scholars announced by ABC:

Earth Sciences

Cláudio Riccomini (USP)
Ícaro Vitorello (INPE)
José Antonio Marengo Orsini (INPE)

Mathematical Sciences

Enrique Ramiro Pujals (IMPA)
Lorenzo Justiniano Díaz Casado (PUC-Rio)
Paolo Piccione (USP)

Physical Sciences

Antonio Martins Figueiredo Neto (USP)
Nathan Jacob Berkovits (Unesp)
Ronald Dickman (UFMG)

Chemical Sciences

Angela de Luca Rebello Wagener (PUC-Rio)
Luiz Carlos Dias (Unicamp)
Vanderlan da Silva Bolzani (Unesp)

Biological Sciences

Fábio de Oliveira Pedrosa (UFPR)
Fausto Foresti (Unesp)

Biomedical Sciences

Gilberto de Nucci (USP)
Maria Júlia Manso Alves (USP)
Regina Pekelmann Markus (USP)

Health Sciences

Fernando Cendes (Unicamp)
Francisco Rafael Martins Laurindo (USP)

Agricultural Sciences

Evaldo Ferreira Vilela (Embrapa)
Maria Fatima Grossi de Sá (Embrapa)

Engineering Sciences

Alvaro Toubes Prata (UFSC)
Joao Fernando Gomes de Oliveira (IPT-SP)
Victor Carlos Pandolfelli (UFScar)

Social Science

Bolivar Lamounier (Augurium)

Corresponding Members

Christine C. Winterbourn
Efim Zelmanov
Gérard Plateau
Hugo Kubinyi
James Joseph Heckman
Marc Andre Meyers
Meinrat O. Andreae
Michel Claudio Nussenzweig
Miguel N. Burnier Jr.
Moyses Szklo
Shankar P. Bhattacharyya
Victor Alberto Ramos
Wendelin Werner

Source: Website of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
