Researchers to Address Outcomes for Pantanal Conservation

Hello reader!

It follows a note published on the day (10/05) in the website of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) informing that researchers to address outcomes for Pantanal Conservation.

Duda Falcão

Researchers to Address Outcomes
for Pantanal Conservation

Friday, October 05, 2012

Experts of Latin America and Europe will be attending the 4th Symposium on Geotechnologies in the Pantanal – GeoPantanal, which takes place in Bonito (MS) from October 20-24. The event is organized by the Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE) along with Embrapa - Informática Agropecuária, the State University of Mato Grosso (Unemat) and the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS).

The speakers of the event, remarkable national and international researchers, will address outcomes of remote sensing surveys for interpretation of Pantanal region, by means of satellite images and information from public databases.

The researcher Mercedes Salvia, of the Argentina’s Institute of Astronomy and Space Physics will lecture on remote sense contribution for dynamic understanding of Paraná Delta. The paper analyses the contribution of geotechnologies for the study of wetlands, emphasizing how and under what conditions the analysis of data from Earth observation systems can monitor regional processes.

The Gran Chaco region is also one of the themes to be addressed. Physically bounded by the Pantanal, the Gran Chaco is suffering the effects of deforestation and changes in the areas of water catchment that affect the biome. The director of Guyra Paraguay organization, Angel Alberto Yanosky, proposes a methodology for deforestation monitoring in the region. The research is based on the use of satellite images available on the Internet.

The lecture “Distributing biodiversity data through the web: The Geospatial Center for Biodiversity in Bolivia,” about biodiversity data on the Internet, will be taught by the researcher Humberto Perotto-Baldivieso, from Cranfield University (UK). In partnership with the Universidad Autónoma Gabriel Rene Moreno, the project presents a digital platform that enables the use of information and satellite images for interpretation and promotion of sustainable biodiversity management in Bolivia.

The researcher Edson Sano, Embrapa Cerrados (Brasília), will address the program of deforestation monitoring in Brazilian biomes. Currently, Sano is Head of the Center for Remote Sensing in the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources – IBAMA. Sano will lecture the methodology used for monitoring, the outcomes, and the main challenges faced, emphasizing Pantanal and Cerrado.

"Science and Technology in Mato Grosso do Sul and the Biota-MS Program" is the theme of the Superintendent Felipe Augusto Dias’ lecture, from Superintendency of Science and Technology (Sucitec-MS). Dias will present the results of the project "Bioeconomy - a new development paradigm for MS" and the subproject Biota-MS, which aims to inventory, characterize and monitor biodiversity in the state. The goal of this program is to provide scientific support for conservation, monitoring, evaluation of the economic potential and sustainable use of biodiversity.

The use of geo tools for planning and management of the Brazilian territory will be addressed in the lecture of Felipe Lima Ramos Barbosa, from the Territorial Zoning Department of the Ministry of Environment. The researcher will discuss, from the perspective of territorial planning, a regulatory zoning that enables a diagnosis on the physical, biotic and socioeconomic status, and provide guidelines for action integrated to territorial public policies.


The activities of the 4th GeoPantanal will take place from October 20-24, 2012, at Wetiga Hotel, in Bonito (MS). This Symposium is aimed at professionals of academic and scientific communities, like researchers, professors, professionals, and undergraduate and graduate students who work with geotechnology in Brazil and abroad. The program includes theoretical and practical courses, panels and sessions. Participants may apply online at

Source: WebSite of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
