Technical Cambodia and Bangladesh Are in Training at INPE

Hello reader!

It follows a note published on the day (10/03) in the website of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) informing that INPE teaches forest monitoring by satellite to technicians from Cambodia and Bangladesh.

Duda Falcão

INPE Teaches Forest Monitoring
by Satellite to Technicians from
Cambodia and Bangladesh

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are in Belém (PA), Brazil, at the Amazonian Regional Center of the National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE), attending a training course in forest monitoring by satellites. The representatives of FAO, working in Cambodia and Bangladesh, intend to adopt in these countries the same methodology developed by INPE to monitor the changes in Amazon. The course runs until October 11.

In Belém, INPE teaches remote sensing techniques to foreign people, as well as the use of satellite imagery and functionalities of TerraAmazon, a system developed by the Institute for their monitoring programs, as PRODES, which gives the annual rate of Amazon deforestation and is considered the world’s biggest forest monitoring program.

By means of partnership with FAO, INPE conducts training courses to countries that wants to evolve their forest monitoring. The partnership allows INPE to promote the technical training necessary to monitoring for REDD - Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries. Initiatives such as REDD can only be implemented successfully if the countries are able to measure and prove the veracity of their information about forests, as Brazil has done, using INPE’s data.


This week, aiming at professionals in the Amazon region, INPE also promotes in its Center in Belém a course about SPRING, a free software for spatial information that is the most used in Brazil by researchers and students at universities and institutions. This INPE’s software, for remote sensing applications and mapping, has more than 160,000 registered users – about 25% in Colombia, United States, Argentina, among other countries.

Building of the Amazonian Regional
Center of INPE in Belém

Source: WebSite of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
